Wow, it's been a while ... sorry. Life got in the way. We've been camping..only down the road to South Cove but it was fun. We leave next Saturday for Cherokee for a week of relaxation and trout fishing.
And...we're now home from Cherokee. It was a terffic week, much needed and much enjoyed. The weeks leading up to it were a bit tumultuous and very busy. We camped for the last 2 weeks of bootcamp, we came home...parked the camper in the usual spot, only to discover a few days before our departure that some thieves had taken our 50 amp power cord that supplies the power to the camper. My fridge was fully packed and ready for the trip to Cherokee. Uggh..the ruined spoiled food and the stench! Further inspection found that the thieves had taken quite a bit of stuff from the building. I'm just glad the camper and the other motorhome hadn't been vandalized. The Wednesday before we leave, I get a call from the couple we travel with that their motorhome had been broken into and set on fire. It was a total loss. We weren't even certain at that point if we'd get to take our vacation. I was furious and frightened. In the end, we were able to get a new cord and head on up to the campground, Nancy and James rented a cabin in the park and were able to be with us til Thursday. I'll write a new post about the entire trip.
The weekend before leaving for the camping trip, we participated in a benefit for a gal who has stage 4 lung cancer. She's a single mom and is the cousin to our friend, Jason Taylor. Terry and Jason have done BBQ for benefits before, this was a fun way to do what they love for someone who is so deserving. It was a success. The benefit raised a huge sum of money for Jennifer. We love doing these.